We have all heard
the phrase “separation of church and state.” This phrase is not included in our
Constitution, however the First Amendment states that, “Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
In our American history Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist
Association in 1802, the original text reads: "... I contemplate with sovereign
reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their
legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation
between Church & State." This has been used in Supreme Court cases
dating back to 1878.
Why is this relevant in our current events? Because today there
is a new battle between Church and State in the form of Obamacare
vs. The Catholic Church. It is a requirement of Obamacare that every
Catholic Institution larger than a single church MUST pay for “preventative
health services” which means: contraceptives, sterilization, and morning after
abortifacients for its employees. The issue at hand is that all of these are in
direct contradiction to the Catholic faith. To quell the uproar at the time of
this information being released there was a question on interpretation of the
wording of the law. The term “preventative health services” was open for
interpretation. As I outlined in the requirements above we now know exactly
what it meant and of course so now does the Catholic Church. The Catholic
Church was still holding out hope on the final definition of the law when the
President told them that when the final version of the law was release, all
fears would be allayed. To their dismay, all that was changed was the deadline
for their conformity being delayed until August 2013.
As Obama’s approval rating has been climbing, job creation
steadily increasing and the economy improving this will be an interesting issue
to watch as the election nears. Of course without mentioning it at the summary
of my last paragraph, I’m sure you all chuckled at the new delay date issued. Not
any political implications being address here right? In my opinion Obama has
done several positive things while in office: Dodd-Frank; Affordable Care Act;
Repeal of Don’t ask Don’t tell; Osama
bin Laden and countless other terrorist figureheads-dead; 85% or TARP paid
back; Tax cuts extended; Withdrawal from Iraq; stock market recovery. The timing of this conflict with
the Catholic Church is quite interesting and not the best for Obama. The
President must and will have to address this thoroughly as he vies for
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